Pond pictures

Browse our collection of pond images! Download royalty-free images of home-made ponds used in decor as well as rocky outdoor ponds in nature. Free to download and use in any commercial projects!

standing by koi pond

Standing By Koi Pond

person swims on their back in clear water

Person Swims On Their Back In Clear Water

photo of blue water with a bridge and a city

Photo Of Blue Water With A Bridge And A City

stone and tree lined pond reflects tall white and gold building

Stone And Tree Lined Pond Reflects Tall White And Gold Building

person sitting on beach looking out

Person Sitting On Beach Looking Out

calm zen garden pond

Calm Zen Garden Pond

heavy snow on branches by water

Heavy Snow On Branches By water

mountains and crystal clear water

Mountains And Crystal Clear Water

birds silhouetted by the setting sun

Birds Silhouetted By The Setting Sun

flower in lily pad pond

Flower In Lily Pad Pond

high view of city buildings by blue water and docked boats

High View Of City Buildings By Blue Water And Docked Boats

water pours into the open mouth of orange and white koi fish

Water Pours Into The Open Mouth Of Orange And White Koi Fish

crowd of people taking photos on a boat

Crowd Of People Taking Photos On A Boat

the singing tower overlooking bok mountain lake sanctuary

The Singing Tower Overlooking Bok Mountain Lake Sanctuary

hiking shoes reach out to a cold aqua lake and rocky mountians

Hiking Shoes Reach Out To A Cold Aqua Lake And Rocky Mountians

log cabin reflected in pond backed by mountains

Log Cabin Reflected in Pond Backed By Mountains

duck with reflection

Duck With Reflection

two trees submerged in the lakes water

Two Trees Submerged In The Lakes Water

central park pond

Central Park Pond

green trees line the water on clear day

Green Trees Line The Water On Clear Day

canadian geese swim on pond

Canadian Geese Swim On Pond

towering palm trees and lily pads surround florida pond

Towering Palm Trees And Lily Pads Surround Florida Pond

person stands at the edge of a rock pond

Person Stands At The Edge Of A Rock Pond

snowy mountains reflect in a blue pond

Snowy Mountains Reflect In A Blue Pond

sun flare over hill tops and a still lake

Sun Flare Over Hill Tops And A Still Lake

volcanic hills and green pools

Volcanic Hills And Green Pools

white nose and whiskers of a koi fish peer out of black pond

White Nose And Whiskers Of A Koi Fish Peer Out Of Black Pond

two people sit on the beach and watch the sunset

Two People Sit On The Beach And Watch The Sunset

long winter shadows aerial of skating pond

Long Winter Shadows Aerial Of Skating Pond

geese on autumn pond

Geese On Autumn Pond

boy oh boy, it's a koi

Boy Oh Boy, It's a Koi

large urban pond

Large Urban Pond

frog in stream

Frog In Stream

close up of water lily on pond

Close Up Of Water Lily On Pond

sunrises under a stone bridge creating a pink sky

Sunrises Under A Stone Bridge Creating A Pink Sky

icy winter pond

Icy Winter Pond

snow covered mountains reflect on the water by a fall forest

Snow Covered Mountains Reflect On The Water By A Fall Forest

person watches the sunset over the distant mountains

Person Watches The Sunset Over The Distant Mountains

a woman walks along side the water

A Woman Walks Along Side The Water

distant snowy mountains behind a clear blue lake

Distant Snowy Mountains Behind A Clear Blue Lake

waterfall through a lush green forest

Waterfall Through A Lush Green Forest

sail boat on quiet lake at sunset

Sail Boat On Quiet Lake At Sunset

sun sets behind trees as a duck floats on the water

Sun Sets Behind Trees As A Duck Floats On The Water

winding country road toward lake

Winding Country Road Toward Lake

sail floats boat on the water

Sail Floats Boat On The Water

mountains create valley shaped frame

Mountains Create Valley Shaped Frame

icy lake and snowy mountain tops

Icy Lake And Snowy Mountain Tops

pond on a mountain range reflecting the mountain view

Pond On A Mountain Range Reflecting The Mountain View

a waterfall cascades down the side of a large cliff

A Waterfall Cascades Down The Side Of A Large Cliff

grassy pond with a grey mountain behind

Grassy Pond With A Grey Mountain Behind

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